Thursday, July 24, 2014


There is a sacred space in silence. There is a difference between hearing and listening. We go through our days hearing each other, but do we really listen? Listening involves more than just the ears. More than just the auditory. When we silence the Ego (the natural instinct to think of what our next response will be) we are then able to open our hearts and minds to truly connect with another individual. Listening involves the heart, the emotions (compassion, empathy, gratitude, love) and the soul. When we simply shut up (quiet our minds and mouths) we reverence each other and show respect for what another human is experiencing. That doesn't mean we have to agree with them. It doesn't mean that we have to change anything we are doing, saying, living or being. But to simply still our urge to fix it, mend it, give advice and have an answer and just BE; truly listen while someone else vents or cries or bemoans or gushes. Simply be with them in that sacred space of listening. Breathe in and out and send them peace and love with every exhale. And when they are finished, hold hands, hug, or simply nod an acknowledgement; your silent "Amen." to the moment passed. Today I will concentrate on listening. To others, to my own soul, and to the voice of The Divine sending guidance for my life.
God bless my dear friends, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE. <3 ~P.Frye

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This Little Light of Mine

You are not entitled to your anger. You don't have a right to be pissed off and "kick some a$$". Wars, feuds and fighting are not "manly" or "godly" and it doesn't prove a thing about you, except that you're hot headed and unable to control yourself any better than a child throwing a tantrum. It doesn't solve any problems or make anything better. No one wins. Anger and hatred are byproducts of fear. And fear is not godly either! No matter what they say, do, taunt, ridicule or abuse, we are to show only love. Why then, take up arms against your brother? We are shown this time and time again throughout history, throughout the storytelling of our ancient ones, and in THE example of Christ himself. Love and only being loving can mend our broken world. Instead of being incited into a panic driven, fear-based response, how about we step into our communities and nurture loving relationships with our fellow man/woman? Gather together with friends and neighbors, the elderly and the young, talk, laugh and cry together. Hug each other! At least shake hands and clap one another on the back. Look into each other's eyes and acknowledge the god-spark within each other! These troubled souls who lash out in anger and frustration, killing and maiming and then turning the guns on themselves do so because they have no connection. They have not felt the support, acknowledgement and love that every one of us so desperately needs. At a cellular level our very being is designed to reverberate and share energy with other beings. What we are seeing these days is a lack of connection - people who have been depleted of the life-force (love) required to feed a hungry soul. Without this energy, they are left feeling alone, desperate, empty and frantic. Drugs, alcohol, food, money and things do not fill the void, but instead give a temporary respite. Impermanent, there is a feeling of never enough. Addiction follows, and a cycle of emptiness repeats again and again. Until we, as a society, own the fact that we have failed in spiritually feeding these lost souls, we will never see an end to the senseless violence and debauchery. We need to work together to share the love! Take ownership of every interaction of your day and shine the light of love into the hearts & minds of those you meet along life's path. A smile. A kind word. A handshake. A nod. Eye contact. A friendly greeting. A sincere, "How are you?" and taking time to listen. These are small stitches we can each make that will help mend the torn fabric of our society. 
God Bless us all, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Organic Wisdom

I am an empath. On Star Trek TNG, I have always identified with Deanna Troi. 
Right now I feel all of the emotional turmoil happening in our world. There is a great shift in consciousness taking place, and it's so powerful that the forces of good and the forces of "leave well enough alone" are tugging at one another. Their pulls and pushes more intense and violent than in years past. 
    We, as humans, have been manipulated and controlled by the giant corporations and governments. Their greed and use of human psychology to influence our so-called "choices" is obscene.  In the supermarket, in entertainment, in our schools and in our hospitals/medical care settings, in our homes and in our relationships, whether you know it or not, we have been played. 
    Marketing and advertising, entertainment and programming have subliminally taught us to not think for ourselves. We are seduced by the "powers that be" because they use wording that sounds trustworthy. They only use language that supports their cause. Their propaganda omits the horrible facts and their version of "truth" is all we are allowed to see. Look at the massive increase in cancers, ADHD, inflammatory illnesses and heart disease in the past 50 years. Ever since the introduction of mass production of food, advertising and commercialized food/drink. 
    WAKE UP EVERYONE! Our earth is dying. Our food system is sickly and poisoning us. The real truth of things has become so bastardized that when we hear it now, we refuse to believe. We must stop living in the cloud of ignorance that THEY would have us remain under. Shake off the hypnotic trance of the sugar-filled, corn syrup infused, antibiotic-laden, processed-beyond-recognition, gimme-a-pill-to-fix-that world and get educated. Know where your food comes from. Know what is in your "I can't live without_____."  There is a reason you are addicted. There is a reason that you crave that boxed, artificial, hyped-as-healthy item. Wealthy people paid scientists and psychologists to formulate the combinations that would rob you of your money, health & life. We don't need "Ten for $10". We don't need "Buy one, get one free." It is not "New & Improved" or "All natural." It is an illusion that you are buying. 
    There is no shortage. You are not going to be better off for having purchased the most crap for your cupboard. Stocking up on junk will not prolong your health or give you a better quality of life. Nature, in it's purest form, is the best source of nutrition and the best doctor for all that ails you. Shop local. Shop organically. Grow your own. If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was MADE in a plant, don't. Shop wisely and take back control of your money, health & life. 
If THEY keep us addicted, they a) make money on our purchases (the food industry) b) make money on our sicknesses (the drug/medical industry) and c) make money on our "research for a cure" causes. (Charities run by the doctors & corporations & politicians who caused the mess in the first place, and who get big tax breaks when they donate to the cause.)
    At the rate we are killing our food supply, Soylent Green could be in our future. It's a vicious cycle that THEY don't want us to break.
    I'm ready to break free. Are you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Food for Thought

When I look into the eyes of another breathing, heart-beating, thinking, playing, eating, LIVING being, I see a piece of the Divine. This includes ALL the creatures of the animal world. Elephants mourn the loss of a loved one. Mama cows cry out vocally when separated from their babies. Injured dogs yelp and cry in pain. Every animal has a way of communicating with their pack or tribe. You need only observe (whether in person or an Animal Planet documentary) to witness this for yourself. Of course, you may not want to. It's so much easier to eat the flesh of a murdered animal when you don't know them as a sentient being. It was easier to justify racism/prejudices when you didn't personally know anyone anyone "like that". Speciesism is the same situation. We have become so desensitized by the ad campaigns and food additives and easy-access, "give it to me now" food industry that there is no reverence or respect for the living creatures slaughtered to make your meal. If you had to kill that cow, chicken, sheep or fish - gut it, skin it and clean the blood from your hands and home, would you then be able to eat it? Perhaps, if you HAD to do it, to survive in the world. But today, we do not have to kill to eat. We have become greedy, selfish and lazy. Dining from the dollar menu and satisfying a "craving" have become the norm. 
Food is the fuel of life. But just like cheap, inexpensively made fuels will damage a vehicle it was not designed for, so too has our food industry damaged our body's, minds and souls. We were designed to play a conscious role in our hunting & gathering. Big business foods have stolen our consciousness and we have allowed it to happen. 
A recipe that has "a box of..." or "a can of..." is convenient, yes, but not conscious. A dash through the drive thru makes it seem like we're saving time, but we are slashing hours and years from our lives. Chopping, measuring, sorting, searing, sautéing...these are actions of a responsible consumer. One who is intentionally honoring and respecting the food process & thus, LIFE. 
The next time your taste buds try bossing you around just TRY to truly "think outside the box." Make real cooking a family event. Sit down at the table together. Shut off the phones and tv and tablets and look into each other's eyes. Talk. Laugh. Sing. Reminisce and remember. Most of all, be conscious. 
Life is short...made shorter still by a food industry that doesn't give a rip about anything but the almighty dollar.  Isn't it time we WAKE UP and start living again? Take back our meal-times, our families, our health & our lives? 
Food for thought.
God Bless, Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Women Rise Up!

I am tired of the primarily white, older male dominated society. Ladies? Anyone else? For too long we have been oppressed. Told what we should look like, act like, dress like, sound like, speak like, smell like, and perform like. "Women can't be comedians." "Women can't be strong." "Women can't be in the military." "Women can't be as educated." "Women can't be breadwinners." "Women can't be politicians." They've told us to be soft, sweet, gentle, quiet, sexy, model-thin, meek & mild. They've told us to accept that we are "not less than, just different in our roles.", and then oppressed us even further. We are capable of whatever we set our minds to do! Better still, we are capable of fixing what the testosterone dominated elite have screwed up! And unless we women bring our "emotional, sensitive, nurturing" qualities into the mix (along with our strength, determination, and brains) then this world is doomed to continue on the downward slide toward extinction that the Patriarchal world has bequeathed us. Enough!  For centuries we have been controlled, shamed, manipulated, used & abused as the "weaker sex" and I AM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. We women need to get pissed off. Speak out! Stand up! Make noise and don't take no for an answer. Form discussion groups. Get involved in your political community. Write letters to your Senators, congressmen/women, to the President! Demand respect! Teach your daughters, nieces, friends & coworkers that WE ARE EQUALLY VALUABLE. In votes, in marriage, in the workplace, in LIFE. No Man can limit the supreme potential of women which the great creator has bestowed upon us. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

See more to BE more.

     Imagine you are looking a point in space. Nothing but a black, empty, pit of darkness. Pulling back, you see edges of brightness. Straight and sharp, the edges grow larger, contrasting the lines between light and dark. As you pull further back, you see that these forms are a letter, then several, revealing a series of letters that form words, then phrases, then sentences. Soon, those words and sentences develop more- into a thought, an idea. Moving further back, you begin to see that these thoughts and ideas are the fibers of LIFE, weaving and flowing together in colors, sounds and shapes. Grass, trees, animals, buildings, vehicles, and people...each hustling and bustling at different rates of speed and with different energies and vibrations, but ever connected by the very molecules that create them. That create US. With perspective we can see the Divine connectedness of all life. 

     When we stop focusing on the smallness that is right in front of us and take the time to step back and gain perspective, we become more lovingly aware that WE ARE ONE. What is done to even the smallest speck of life is done to ALL life. Separateness is an illusion created by a world that has forced us into segregation. Isolated communities, castes, races, peoples made to feel alone and afraid of one another. Engrained and indoctrinated by greed and gluttony. Taught to live defensively, protecting self at the cost of all else. It is time we gain perspective. Step back and truly SEE  more to BE more. Travel. Meet people in other lands. Feast with strangers and know their plights. Listen to their music and feel the pulsing rhythm of their drums. The rhythm is our heartbeats, our eternal spark. We must step outside ourselves in order to truly see ourselves. 

     God gazes on the earth from a higher point, and so too must we.  

           It is the only way we will heal this world. ~P.Frye

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Childless- Mother's Day Emptiness

     Today is the one day of the year that SUCKS. I have to constantly fight overwhelming sadness and emptiness on a day when so many of my friends are being celebrated. Despite promiscuity as a teen, two failed marriages and 17+ years with my current husband, I never once experienced pregnancy. Being from such a fertile family (the eldest of five children myself, and sisters who got pregnant easily) I felt my body betrayed me. Now, as I get older, I feel betrayed even more. I will never know the joys of little ones bringing me breakfast in bed, homemade cards and hand picked dandelion bouquets. No one will ever run into my arms and cry out "Mama!" I won't see joyous laughter and surprise at birthdays and Christmas. As I get older, I realize that I'll never feel the pride of watching my baby become a mother or father, and beam with joy as they learn to parent.  I'll never hear myself referred to as Grandma or Nana. I'll never have that. 
     I hate that my body failed me and yet still "looks" like a mom's body. My "birthing" hips, voluptuous breasts and strong lifting arms...pointless. And I know that until I stop hating my body for this, hating myself for my life choices, hating Mother's Day, I am never going to love my body enough to want to BE healthy. After my hysterectomy four years ago, it was FINAL. Permanent. Forever.  I know that I have to forgive myself of the life choices that brought me to childlessness, to make amends with the "female" parts of me that haven't proven themselves worthy through motherhood. I know I should celebrate all the things that I AM, and be happy with that. But on Mother's Day, that's just too hard. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Old Souls

    I'm sitting on my porch, as I often do during these sweet spring days, and I look up at the tree in my front yard. Truly an "old soul." Glorious in form and function, it's hundred plus years of life evidenced by the height and breadth of it. Branches reaching toward the sun and bark rippled with the folds of time. It is a wondrous thing, this monument to nature. A home for birds and bugs, shade for the weary, cleaning the air and providing nourishment for wildlife. Taking nothing more than it needs and giving so much. Oh, that we would be so wise! 
     As I study this beautiful tree, I'm reflecting back on this morning's gathering. Life is such a funny thing. Really it's just the flicker of a flame. A nanosecond in the hugeness of eternity. A blip on the radar. We are only here for a few precious years. Today's fellowship was a moment of clarity for me. An opportunity to pay tribute to all our beautiful female residents this Mother's Day, and to honor their families. A chance to look into the faces of those who have lived so much longer than I, and who are clearly nearing the last years of their journey. To gaze into the eyes of my elders, to hold a hand, listen to, hug, kiss and thank each one for the blessing they are in my life. These precious "old souls" teach me something new every day, and I am filled with gratitude. For them, for my life & for the opportunity I have each day to serve.
     Breathe in this life my friends! And when you breathe out, be sure you are breathing life INTO those around you. Take no more than you need and give abundantly. I pray we all may live our lives as nobly as the Maple in my yard. 
God Bless, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cameras, Selfies and Real Self Esteem

I kind of envy today's youth. With the invent of the cell phone camera & Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, etc, girls today have more confidence and awareness of what they look like. When I was a little baby we had Kodak Instamatic cameras, but the film was very expensive. When we did use a "regular" camera, you had no way of knowing how the shot looked (or even remembering WHAT shots were taken) until you dropped off the film at the local pharmacy or Five-n-Dime that shipped them off for development. Picture taking of an official nature was about the only way history was being recorded. Picture Day at school. Family photos with the photographer from Olan Mills (remember when they came to the home?) and then later at the JC Penney portrait studio. Photo day was an event to be dreaded, and you still didn't know how they'd turn out until they were developed. Then, there began to spring up places that did the development IN THE STORE. You still had to wait for days, sometimes weeks, and then go in to pick them up. Again, COST was always a factor and there was yet the element of surprise. ("I don't remember taking that picture!"). 
By now I was fully aware that I was "fat & unattractive" & cameras were to be avoided. I was sure that I always looked as hideous as a rushed, underpaid, bad photographer always captured me looking. Yes. I have/had mirrors. But obviously my vision of how I looked was not reflected in the yearly photos scheduled to ruin my life. 
Fast forward to today's culture. The "Selfie" (next to photos of food and fashion) is THE main photo shared on Social Media. But I can't get into it. I've become the bad photographer and still loathe any snapshot of me (unless it's in a group I'm hiding behind.) I guess the ratio of "Selfies" to other shots in my profile will be the gage of whether or not I ever truly develop any self esteem. 
In the meantime, I'll keep sharing Memes designed by someone else and reposting shots of great food I've made. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

We are ONE

The world has lead us to believe that "I am alone in this; a single entity who must fend for myself. An individual soul left to my own devices and solitary- an island in the storm." We feel abandoned. The walls close in, and we become frustrated and claustrophobic. We turn those thoughts and judgements in on ourselves, like a knife on an enemy. 
When we realize that everyone is an extension of ourselves we become WE and not ME. In our togetherness there is power, a palpable energy of motion toward the positive. When we focus on US our eyes are opened, our viewpoint expanded, and our hearts are filled with love and compassion. The scripture reads, "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." But it should also read, "Whatsoever ye do unto yourself, so also is it done unto all mankind." In other words, BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You and I are one. We are all one, and we must unlearn the me-centered, isolated, destructive ways of the world. We must recognize that ALL things are sacred. That the breath of God gave life to all, and none is less than any other. If we are to save our world, make better our circumstances, improve our relations and preserve our resources, we MUST be kind always and in ALL ways. 
God bless, Namaste and as always SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter and Resurrection

Resurrection. A recurring theme today and throughout history. In nature, in religious texts, in our daily experiences- whether we realize it or not. Every day we are resurrected from the death of sleep and awaken a new being, able to mold and shape a new experience for ourselves. Our humanity, so "real" and permanent to us, is actually a pliable, changeable, ever-renewing resurrection. Each morning we have a choice of who and what we will be. When we allow the news, media, gossip, friend's drama, family stress and career pressure to consume us, we are shrouded in a fog of doom & gloom; a perpetual state of zombie-hood. The walking dead. We begrudgingly pry our eyelids open and go through the motions- motivated by fear, shame and panic. When morning comes we can consciously decide to "give up the ghost", essentially die to our old ways. To exhale the stale, rancid stench of death and breathe in the love of God. To be born again and start anew. It's not a one-time thing. Not a now-or-never event. Not an "either you choose it or loose it" plan. We can resurrect our life each and every day! It is a choice and entirely up to us. 
As a Christ-follower, today I celebrate the resurrection of He who lead the way.  But whatever your beliefs, I pray you have a beautiful Sunday. May this day be the day you come alive with LOVE, and let die the old, unhappy ways of your past. Live fearlessly. Live bravely. Live with LOVE and share it abundantly. God bless & Namaste. ~P.Frye

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The American Dream

We have, as Americans, the mentality that life is a contest. That we are racing AGAINST each other to make the most money, have the nicest cars/homes, have the most prestigious degrees and occupations, or even just be the "favorite" child or employee. It is utter nonsense, and if you are still under the impression that this is a good thing, than you are sadly mistaken. Life is NOT a contest. If there are any losers, then we ALL lose. Life is a journey and humankind, animals, plants and the earth itself are ONE. We are all connected on a cellular level...on a spiritual plane unseen by the human eye. Ancient tribes and cultures have known this for centuries. That, in order to thrive and succeed, we must care for and uplift even the least of these! That every thing that breathes, crawls, grows and inhabits our world is, in essence, an extension of ourselves. But we Americans, in our pride and self-importance, have shunned this truth in the name of achieving "the American Dream." IT IS TIME WE HAD A NEW DREAM. A dream for the health and happiness of every person, every animal, every culture and ecosystem, every microbe on our planet be respected, revered and reverenced as a holy entity...WHOLE-LY a sacred piece of the oneness that IS US. It is time to wake up from the old American dream, and end the nightmare of our brothers and sisters. Dream with me of a better world, and let's work together to improve and enlighten the blessing that is this beautiful gift of LIFE.  
God Bless, Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

Friday, March 28, 2014

We Have More Than Enough

What would happen if everyone spent more time thinking about the comfort and peace of others and less about their own? What if our first thought was for the starving masses rather than which restaurant at which we're going to eat? What if we thought of the homeless when we complain about our messy house? What if we remembered the unemployed when we gripe about our mundane 9 to 5? What if, instead of getting the new outfit (just 'cause it's so cute) we clothed another who has far less? Things are just things, but our souls are interconnected with every other being. There is no separation. We have bought into the idea that me and mine are why I am here and that the more I have or can buy/get/obtain the happier I'll be. It is a great lie. When even "the least of these" is deprived we are ALL bankrupt. The Great American Dream has become just a guise for the greed and corruption of corporations and governments. If they keep us afraid and selfish then we will continue to buy their GIVE-ME-MORE doctrine. More stuff. More medications. More food (GMO's filled with artificial this and preservative that), more cars and tv's and toys and things. An endless parade of objects that ultimately drain our resources and numb our senses. We are living a lie. We were designed by the Great Creator to BE more, not WANT more. We were designed to minister to one another. To be servants TO one another and to our Lord. If we can break the cycle, the  hypnotic trance we've allowed ourselves to slip into, we can take ownership of our world and create a beautiful life for EVERYONE. It is time to go from ME to WE. And it all begins with conscious thought. Comfort and peace is everyone's Divine birthright. And until we each take responsibility for that, then the light will continue to diminish more and more each day. Look into the eyes of the hungry child, the homeless woman, the jobless man. They are you. You are them. "There but for the grace of God go I." 
God Bless, Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

Saturday, March 22, 2014

It is TIME

2014 could be the year. It SHOULD be the year. By all accounts, it absolutely, without a doubt, unquestionably MUST be the year. The year I, LET me love myself. Yes, I'm successful in my career. Yes, I'm happily married. Yes, I am "beautiful". ( Wide, brown eyes with long lashes, naturally straight teeth, facial features symmetrical, nothing abnormally large or small or misshapen.)  But because I've spent most of my life being a "fat chic", I find myself saying the most ugly, hateful, downright mean things to myself. Things I would never say to another soul. And I judge my entire worth on how tightly or loosely my clothing fits. On how many chins I can count in a bad photograph. On the wiggle & jiggle of my lower biceps. Or how much extra boob squeezes out the side of my once-nicely-fitting bra. Would I judge an entire friendship or acquaintance based on such silly parameters? Never! And yet, my own worth is measured by the unattainable standards set by a society that has devalued women for centuries! Ridiculous! 
So this is the year. 2014 will be the year I stop hating my body. The year I begin to thank my body for being two legs that can run, jump, dance and play. Two arms that are strong, capable, caring and courageous. Feet with rhythm, muscles that work hard. Hands that play the piano, draw, write, create and build. A heart that has been weakened by the abuse of cigarettes and lack of exercise, but with the compassion and caring of Divine Love. The whole package...still young enough to make changes for health, all in the name of LOVING MYSELF. It will not be about a number on a scale. It will not be about the size on the label of my jeans. It will not be about fitting into someone else's idea of what I "should" look like. It will be about SHARING THE LOVE WITH MYSELF.  It will be all about me. By me. For me. Me and only me. 
I'm going to start saying "Thank you." when someone compliments me. I'm going to start speaking LOVE to myself and silence the dismissing, self-depricating terms I've thus far told myself. Even the skinny chics who I've rolled my eyes at when they've complained about a feature they didn't like about themselves. I'm sorry I did that. We are, each one of us, perfect & wonderful JUST THE WAY WE ARE. Sure, we can improve & love ourselves more fully. But acceptance of what we are NOW is the beginning of the journey. Accept is TRUTH. And it's time that the truth set us free.
It's just frickin' time.
GodBless, Namaste & as always... SHARE THE LOVE! ~P.Frye

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Hands

I was looking at my hands this morning, critiquing their shape, size, wrinkles, lines and need for a manicure. I'm sure arthritis and carpel tunnel are on the horizon and they'll only become more worn and weary as I age. But what magnificent tools! They have literally pulled me from treacherous places, pushed away dangerous situations, held tender moments, wiped away tears, folded in fervent prayer, wrung with worry, been fists of anger & fists of fight, flown plenty of peace signs and a few birds, spoken songs in sign language, cleaned up some pretty big messes, built an amazing life and helped me put into words and pictures all the crazy wonders inside my head. This morning, I am grateful for my hands. Sometimes, it's the simple things that help me focus on the greater meaning in life. 
I wish you all a beautiful day. May you use your hands today to uplift yourselves and each other. Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Even knowing that all 44 of my years have been in Indiana/Idaho/Utah, it has become abundantly clear that I was not built for cold-weather climates. I have been lying to myself every winter. Gritting my teeth & baring it. If there's ever an apocalyptic event that causes the entire world to go into deep freeze, I will simply lay down, huddle in a ball, and pray for the sweet release of death. I. HATE. COLD. Fingers and toes should NOT stay popsicles. Legs should be warm and tanned. Faces should sting from healthy exposure to sunlight, not the slap of frigid air. Eyes should water from life experience- joy, pain, loss, excessive laughter- NOT as a result of cold breezes, sneezes and germs! I am more determined now to save for retiring to a tropical locale! With or without my kookie husband, who doesn't mind the cold, loves to hunt & fish, and secretly gets a kick from refusing to put on a coat when we're "just going out to the mancave." He's clinically insane. 
I miss sunshine. I miss warmth. I miss gentle breezes and the scent of lilac from the bushes in the yard. I NEED the sun. I crave being hot & sweaty- working outdoors with my hands in the dirt, sculpting and pruning my vegetation to make it beautiful & fruitful. I miss flip-flops and shorts, eating popsicles and crunching ice cubes. The whir of the fan in the window, and the chirp of crickets in the yard. These winter days seem eternal; a never-ending drudgery of darkness and cold. If I could just hibernate through it, and hunker down in the blankets and pillows until the beautiful sun beacons with springtime, I would be a happy girl. But alas, duties call. I must soak up the heat from my morning shower & pray for the intestinal fortitude to make it through another bone-chilling excursion into the frozen outdoors. 
Mark my words. One day I will live in a warmer climate. Where constant sunshine and warmth bring my heart joy. Until then, I'll bundle up and begrudgingly muddle through; warming my path along the way with smiles and laughter. Meanwhile, God bless the inventors of the indoor furnace & automobile heaters!
Only 57 more days 'til spring. Only 57. ONLY FIFTY-SEVEN? That's an eternity... Gaaaaaaaaa...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

For My Sisters

After the first Sister Week (my sisters and I take a week each summer to be together.) none of us were sure we would continue it. That was hard. Getting to know each other again, as women- as adults all. But we CHOSE to commit to it, and have WORKED to keep our relationships. We stumble, loose touch, fail to be there, repent, ask forgiveness and work at it some more. We are all constantly changing and evolving and we are different women each time we get together. Sometimes not as much as others, but there have been Sister Weeks that were anything BUT a vacation. We talk about the hard stuff. We contemplate the big "Why" questions and we support each other through our evolutions. We CHOOSE to be friends and sisters and we have to keep choosing that, or we would be like every other sibling-hood on the planet. Polite to one another but distant and removed; hugging the brief "hello old friend" hugs at weddings and funerals and the occasional holiday. We would naturally drift apart because life is constantly moving, changing and shifting with or without us. And we WANT to be in this journey with and for each other. We are sisters because of birth. Mom and Dad gave us that. But we remain sister-friends because we make it a priority. Simple as that.

The Origin of this Blog

I have been writing and posting my Share the Love philosophy via Facebook for many years. I don't know what took me so long to start a blog. Last October I wrote the following piece. My sister suggested the name of my future blog based on this writing. So T-nut. This one's for you.

Everyone is entitled to their own belief system. Your path to Heaven may not be the same as mine. Your god may answer to a different name, or your idea of The Maker may be different than mine. Your concept of Christ may vary from mine. Someone who's interpretation of the bible or another scripture is not exactly like yours is not evil or to be pitied because they have "gone astray." Judgements and condemnation have no place in our human relationships. Falsehoods have been preached and hammered and engrained into us for thousands of years. Shame and guilt and fear have been the tools of our hierarchies for far too long.  TRUTH: The Divine Creator is never far away and we can receive our own, direct, "no-middle-man-needed" revelations for living a LOVE centered life. We are all hard-wired in our very essence to the One we came from - the One to whom we will return. Whatever your path is, respect all other journeys and chose to SHARE THE LOVE. Please...for the love of ALL that is holy.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sailing Through Life

We have always heard, "It is better to give than to receive." But instead of receiving, we have embraced want, desire and greed. Things have become our most cherished thoughts and stuff our highest goal. In order to truly give or receive, we must get back to the basics of connectedness - the Divine purpose of our souls' journey: to LOVE our Creator & one another. How can I "give" if I do not live embracing ALL my fellow life-travelers?
I need to constantly be re-evaluating my thoughts, words and actions and adjust my forward motion to the course which brings me ever closer to that Divine purpose: LOVE. I will try not to judge my past as wrong or "bad", but as a learning experience from which to glean understanding. Like the sailors of old, I must use what I have naturally available to chart my course. The people in my life are like the stars; each constellation pointing my way. Some larger "stars" providing much needed insight and perspective.  The Divine is my wind; steering my vessel where I will have opportunity to either harness it's power or fight against it in a fruitless effort to go my own direction. My choices; where I place the rudder and how I use the sails determining my direction and ultimate destination. Lastly, remember "A smooth sea never made a good sailor." ~P.Frye

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Music of Humanity

YOU are such a magnificent creation. Genetically/Biologically we are all 99% the same. But you- your personality, likes, dislikes, humor, foibles, strengths, talents and abilities, your voice, your fingerprints, the impression you leave behind you in life's path- are uniquely YOU. The trick is to remember the connectedness. Remember that you are never alone. That beautiful, wonderful, incredible God-spark planted deep in your soul (some would say that IS your soul) is metaphysically bound to every other God-spark that ever was, is, or will be. 
When you are going through the tough times, WE feel it. By quieting the noise and turmoil of our physical world-  through prayer, meditation, or just walking about in a wooded glen or through your neighborhood- you can tap into the energy & love that is readily present and available to recharge and realign yourself for your/THE greatest good. 
Life is a beautiful song. So when you feel the drag of the physical realm, just know that perhaps it's time for some darker chords or maybe a "rest" is called for, in order to make the crescendos bolder & brighter when the chorus resumes. Just know that your life is your instrument. It has been designed to work in harmony with every other player in the orchestra. Stop judging it as out of tune, or bad, or the wrong kind. A harmonica is just as vital as a violin. A banjo just as lovely as a cello. Even a triangle or cymbal has it's moments to add to this beautiful orchestration called LIFE. We are the authors of our own life songs. We just forget that each one is overlapping and moving with all the other composers' work, contributing notes and tones and rhythms and harmonies which fill and build every measure, every movement, to create this incredible chorus of praise to the Divine.
God Bless you as you begin this beautiful Tuesday. May you be blessed enough to hear the symphony of humanity and treasure your part in the orchestra. Namaste. ~P.Frye

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Equal Rights and Divine Love

When we post things on social media or state an opinion - whether Twitter, Facebook, via email or told face to face - I wish more people would think before putting it out there into the universe. If you think it's "my opinion, my right to express it", yes that's true. Think it's "just a joke", think again. Question: Would it be funny or cute to the person or people it's about? Would it uplift and edify the group you are talking about? Does it bring loving thoughts of you to the mind of ALL who see/hear it? If you represent Christ, does it make EVERYONE want to know your Savior by your actions and words? 

Personally, I don't care what religious denomination to which you ascribe. If LOVE is your aim and you are sharing the love, I heartily chime an "Amen!" to what is shared. But when "even the least of these" is shamed, made fun of, degraded or made to feel less than anyone else by your meme or statement or "joke" then it is NOT productive and doesn't bring joy to the Creator- no matter by which name you call it/Him/Her. All humans have shortcomings. We all are faulted in some way and fall short of perfection. To single out ANY "sins" as worse than or more damaging than any others is to put yourself into the role of The Judge, and that is not our job! BE love and loving to all people, all things, all situations at all times. THAT is what we are to do here in our earthly time given. 

No one's rights are threatened by sharing those same rights with everyone. As I've said before, how, where and with whom YOU sleep does not effect MY restful hours in any way. Whether you work nights and sleep during the day (which I would find "abnormal" and prefer not to do) IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. I would no sooner mandate sleeping hours than whom another adult, consenting, independently thinking person can marry or not. 

"Straight" marriages fail 50+% of the time. Why not outlaw divorce, make marriage prep classes mandatory, or at least work within your church system to improve families and marriages from where you currently stand? Why not just be an example of LOVE- Unconditional, unprejudiced, ever-reaching, inclusive, embracing, DIVINE love to the world? 

Hate is hate- even when disguised as a self-righteous act in the name of your God. And hate never was and never will be love. You cannot "love the sinner and hate the sin", because as long as hate is part of the equation, love is voided. We must, as a whole, BE HOLY. Be whole-ly LOVE. Period. No judgement. No qualifications. No "BUT..."s about it. Love and love alone is Divine. All else fails to make this world a better place. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Love is All There Is

I am a pacifist: a peace-loving, tree-hugging, hippie-girl with rose-colored glasses and a utopian dream for our world. I believe that love is the cure-all. I also know that reality doesn't reflect my philosophies...yet. If you don't agree with me, fine. But do not put your religious rhetoric beneath my posts. I try to put only positive, LOVE themed ideas out into the universe, and will not have my blog space become a forum for your "My way is GOD'S way." judgements. My motivations are simply to invite people to open their minds.  Open their hearts.  To read. Learn. THINK for themselves. I invite all to have lively discussions and debates with your peers. To stop relying on television personalities for your "news" and religious leaders for your "rules." Respect yourself and others by engaging in healthy conversations with everyone in your life, expand your sphere of influence to those who don't look, think, act & believe the same as you. And, when necessary, agree to disagree. There is no holiness in self-righteousness. There is no sin in unconditional love. ~P.Frye

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Our Planet

Jesus's ways were so simple. Love. Love God. Love your fellow man/woman. Just love. Love life. Love the sinner. Love the sick, hungry, homeless and downtrodden. Be love. Minister to the soul of every one, every thing, all the time. Live love. Let it fill your thoughts, words, motivations, actions and dreams. The Pharisees didn't like the simplicity of Jesus's teachings. They wanted the "rules". They wanted judgement, blame, black & white, who's right & who's wrong. That is human nature. But our divine spark within, our holy core, resonates and thrives when we are able to quiet the chaos and chatter of our upbringing. We are meant, at a cellular level, to vibrate tender, healing, beautiful, light-bringing LOVE with one another. To connect in that cosmic space of oneness with ourselves and with each other. The Earth breathes and moves and changes based on how we either use or abuse that connectedness. We are either consciously contribute to the healthy, life-giving energy of this world, or we selfishly rob ourselves and co-dwellers  of any future. To sit idly by, is to be a tick on the back of our world. A tick doesn't care about it's host. It cares only to feed and feed and feed...until he and his brothers have left behind disease and death, and the host dies. But unlike the tick, we do not have another "host" we can move to when we've killed ours.
One day we will wake up and say, "It is too late. We are doomed." We will have depleted our resources. Polluted our water, land & air to such a point that Mother Earth will be terminal. She will be so sick that she will shudder, shake and vomit us all into the universe so that she can begin again. 
We MUST heal...ourselves, our world, each other. Live consciously and connected. See ourselves in our sisters and brothers. Look into the eyes of every living being, in every moment and connect to the God-spark in each one. Be aware of how we use and occupy the space, objects, animals and people in our sphere of influence. We must BE LOVE. 
It really is that simple.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

There is no Boogie-man

At birth we come to this world with nothing but love in our hearts.
Over time we become right and left, black and white, gay and straight, fat and thin, correct and wrong, good and bad. We are taught to hold tightly to the beliefs of the family. To listen to our elders, our leaders, our priests. To listen to the teachings of our church, school, government & society. Fear, anger, shame, judgement and regret are learned and, over time, our pure hearts begin to turn cold & hard.
We are taught that to question is sinful. That doubt and wonder separate us from our Divine creator. That to look for answers and contemplate another way to God may separate us from the family and people that we love for eternity. We are told "But this is the way it's always been!" or "The scriptures say..." or "God is unchanging! How dare you question God!" We are told, "Do not think too much about it. You can't know all the answers anyway, so just have faith." 
But blind faith is a blanket thrown over your head when the boogie-man is under your bed. 
Start a conversation. Have a debate. Talk to family and friends about LOVE. Look for answers. Question everything. Meditate. Listen to what others have to say. Most importantly, listen to what your heart has to say. Beneath the fear, anger, shame, judgement and regret lies a heart who's birthright is LOVE.
There is no boogie-man. When we throw off the blanket and look around, and really SEE our world in all it's splendor, there is only love. Love is life. Life is God. God=Life=Love.
Love is all there is.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I am a female. And I have resented and despised my femininity for as long as I can remember. The world had ideas for me. It taught me that I was only HALF of one whole. That I would not be complete until I'd "caught a man." That my value and worth were highly dependent on whether or not I'd been validated and found worthy of someone marrying me. That unless my uterus had housed at least 1 child for 9 months, unless I'd tended to the household chores while my husband was the wage earner, sat quietly in church while the "menfolk" did the preaching and rule-making, and turned a blind eye to the fact that my paycheck was not equal that of men holding the same position...I was not fulfilling my duties as a woman.
We have "come a long way baby.", but until our feminine contributions are held in the SAME esteem, weighed JUST AS valuable, pay-worthy, and necessary as our male counterparts, our job is not done. Feminism is not a rejection of men and the masculine of our society, but rather an uprising of women to demand respect and equality in ALL things. Until a girl can dream, without judgement, of being a life-long bachelor who holds a high ranking position, content to remain childless while achieving all her ambitions and goals, we still have a LONG way to go. The pathway to a brighter future is in the validation and support of the INDIVIDUAL'S dreams, not in holding on to the "but-this-is-the-way-it's-always-been-done" mentalities. Whether a little girl or boy wants to hold dollies or power tools, make-up or mathematics, high heels or steel-toed boots, or a combination of them all...SUPPORT THEIR INDIVIDUALITY & RIGHT TO CHOOSE. 
I am a feminist. More importantly, I am a humanist. And the human spirit can only triumph when allowed to dream outside the box in which our society wants to place us. Less judgement, more love. ~P.Frye