Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Women Rise Up!

I am tired of the primarily white, older male dominated society. Ladies? Anyone else? For too long we have been oppressed. Told what we should look like, act like, dress like, sound like, speak like, smell like, and perform like. "Women can't be comedians." "Women can't be strong." "Women can't be in the military." "Women can't be as educated." "Women can't be breadwinners." "Women can't be politicians." They've told us to be soft, sweet, gentle, quiet, sexy, model-thin, meek & mild. They've told us to accept that we are "not less than, just different in our roles.", and then oppressed us even further. We are capable of whatever we set our minds to do! Better still, we are capable of fixing what the testosterone dominated elite have screwed up! And unless we women bring our "emotional, sensitive, nurturing" qualities into the mix (along with our strength, determination, and brains) then this world is doomed to continue on the downward slide toward extinction that the Patriarchal world has bequeathed us. Enough!  For centuries we have been controlled, shamed, manipulated, used & abused as the "weaker sex" and I AM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. We women need to get pissed off. Speak out! Stand up! Make noise and don't take no for an answer. Form discussion groups. Get involved in your political community. Write letters to your Senators, congressmen/women, to the President! Demand respect! Teach your daughters, nieces, friends & coworkers that WE ARE EQUALLY VALUABLE. In votes, in marriage, in the workplace, in LIFE. No Man can limit the supreme potential of women which the great creator has bestowed upon us. 

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