YOU are such a magnificent creation. Genetically/Biologically we are all 99% the same. But you- your personality, likes, dislikes, humor, foibles, strengths, talents and abilities, your voice, your fingerprints, the impression you leave behind you in life's path- are uniquely YOU. The trick is to remember the connectedness. Remember that you are never alone. That beautiful, wonderful, incredible God-spark planted deep in your soul (some would say that IS your soul) is metaphysically bound to every other God-spark that ever was, is, or will be.
When you are going through the tough times, WE feel it. By quieting the noise and turmoil of our physical world- through prayer, meditation, or just walking about in a wooded glen or through your neighborhood- you can tap into the energy & love that is readily present and available to recharge and realign yourself for your/THE greatest good.
Life is a beautiful song. So when you feel the drag of the physical realm, just know that perhaps it's time for some darker chords or maybe a "rest" is called for, in order to make the crescendos bolder & brighter when the chorus resumes. Just know that your life is your instrument. It has been designed to work in harmony with every other player in the orchestra. Stop judging it as out of tune, or bad, or the wrong kind. A harmonica is just as vital as a violin. A banjo just as lovely as a cello. Even a triangle or cymbal has it's moments to add to this beautiful orchestration called LIFE. We are the authors of our own life songs. We just forget that each one is overlapping and moving with all the other composers' work, contributing notes and tones and rhythms and harmonies which fill and build every measure, every movement, to create this incredible chorus of praise to the Divine.
God Bless you as you begin this beautiful Tuesday. May you be blessed enough to hear the symphony of humanity and treasure your part in the orchestra. Namaste. ~P.Frye
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