Sunday, January 12, 2014

Equal Rights and Divine Love

When we post things on social media or state an opinion - whether Twitter, Facebook, via email or told face to face - I wish more people would think before putting it out there into the universe. If you think it's "my opinion, my right to express it", yes that's true. Think it's "just a joke", think again. Question: Would it be funny or cute to the person or people it's about? Would it uplift and edify the group you are talking about? Does it bring loving thoughts of you to the mind of ALL who see/hear it? If you represent Christ, does it make EVERYONE want to know your Savior by your actions and words? 

Personally, I don't care what religious denomination to which you ascribe. If LOVE is your aim and you are sharing the love, I heartily chime an "Amen!" to what is shared. But when "even the least of these" is shamed, made fun of, degraded or made to feel less than anyone else by your meme or statement or "joke" then it is NOT productive and doesn't bring joy to the Creator- no matter by which name you call it/Him/Her. All humans have shortcomings. We all are faulted in some way and fall short of perfection. To single out ANY "sins" as worse than or more damaging than any others is to put yourself into the role of The Judge, and that is not our job! BE love and loving to all people, all things, all situations at all times. THAT is what we are to do here in our earthly time given. 

No one's rights are threatened by sharing those same rights with everyone. As I've said before, how, where and with whom YOU sleep does not effect MY restful hours in any way. Whether you work nights and sleep during the day (which I would find "abnormal" and prefer not to do) IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. I would no sooner mandate sleeping hours than whom another adult, consenting, independently thinking person can marry or not. 

"Straight" marriages fail 50+% of the time. Why not outlaw divorce, make marriage prep classes mandatory, or at least work within your church system to improve families and marriages from where you currently stand? Why not just be an example of LOVE- Unconditional, unprejudiced, ever-reaching, inclusive, embracing, DIVINE love to the world? 

Hate is hate- even when disguised as a self-righteous act in the name of your God. And hate never was and never will be love. You cannot "love the sinner and hate the sin", because as long as hate is part of the equation, love is voided. We must, as a whole, BE HOLY. Be whole-ly LOVE. Period. No judgement. No qualifications. No "BUT..."s about it. Love and love alone is Divine. All else fails to make this world a better place. 

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