Sunday, January 19, 2014

For My Sisters

After the first Sister Week (my sisters and I take a week each summer to be together.) none of us were sure we would continue it. That was hard. Getting to know each other again, as women- as adults all. But we CHOSE to commit to it, and have WORKED to keep our relationships. We stumble, loose touch, fail to be there, repent, ask forgiveness and work at it some more. We are all constantly changing and evolving and we are different women each time we get together. Sometimes not as much as others, but there have been Sister Weeks that were anything BUT a vacation. We talk about the hard stuff. We contemplate the big "Why" questions and we support each other through our evolutions. We CHOOSE to be friends and sisters and we have to keep choosing that, or we would be like every other sibling-hood on the planet. Polite to one another but distant and removed; hugging the brief "hello old friend" hugs at weddings and funerals and the occasional holiday. We would naturally drift apart because life is constantly moving, changing and shifting with or without us. And we WANT to be in this journey with and for each other. We are sisters because of birth. Mom and Dad gave us that. But we remain sister-friends because we make it a priority. Simple as that.

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