Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This Little Light of Mine

You are not entitled to your anger. You don't have a right to be pissed off and "kick some a$$". Wars, feuds and fighting are not "manly" or "godly" and it doesn't prove a thing about you, except that you're hot headed and unable to control yourself any better than a child throwing a tantrum. It doesn't solve any problems or make anything better. No one wins. Anger and hatred are byproducts of fear. And fear is not godly either! No matter what they say, do, taunt, ridicule or abuse, we are to show only love. Why then, take up arms against your brother? We are shown this time and time again throughout history, throughout the storytelling of our ancient ones, and in THE example of Christ himself. Love and only being loving can mend our broken world. Instead of being incited into a panic driven, fear-based response, how about we step into our communities and nurture loving relationships with our fellow man/woman? Gather together with friends and neighbors, the elderly and the young, talk, laugh and cry together. Hug each other! At least shake hands and clap one another on the back. Look into each other's eyes and acknowledge the god-spark within each other! These troubled souls who lash out in anger and frustration, killing and maiming and then turning the guns on themselves do so because they have no connection. They have not felt the support, acknowledgement and love that every one of us so desperately needs. At a cellular level our very being is designed to reverberate and share energy with other beings. What we are seeing these days is a lack of connection - people who have been depleted of the life-force (love) required to feed a hungry soul. Without this energy, they are left feeling alone, desperate, empty and frantic. Drugs, alcohol, food, money and things do not fill the void, but instead give a temporary respite. Impermanent, there is a feeling of never enough. Addiction follows, and a cycle of emptiness repeats again and again. Until we, as a society, own the fact that we have failed in spiritually feeding these lost souls, we will never see an end to the senseless violence and debauchery. We need to work together to share the love! Take ownership of every interaction of your day and shine the light of love into the hearts & minds of those you meet along life's path. A smile. A kind word. A handshake. A nod. Eye contact. A friendly greeting. A sincere, "How are you?" and taking time to listen. These are small stitches we can each make that will help mend the torn fabric of our society. 
God Bless us all, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE.

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