Sunday, April 27, 2014

We are ONE

The world has lead us to believe that "I am alone in this; a single entity who must fend for myself. An individual soul left to my own devices and solitary- an island in the storm." We feel abandoned. The walls close in, and we become frustrated and claustrophobic. We turn those thoughts and judgements in on ourselves, like a knife on an enemy. 
When we realize that everyone is an extension of ourselves we become WE and not ME. In our togetherness there is power, a palpable energy of motion toward the positive. When we focus on US our eyes are opened, our viewpoint expanded, and our hearts are filled with love and compassion. The scripture reads, "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." But it should also read, "Whatsoever ye do unto yourself, so also is it done unto all mankind." In other words, BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You and I are one. We are all one, and we must unlearn the me-centered, isolated, destructive ways of the world. We must recognize that ALL things are sacred. That the breath of God gave life to all, and none is less than any other. If we are to save our world, make better our circumstances, improve our relations and preserve our resources, we MUST be kind always and in ALL ways. 
God bless, Namaste and as always SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye

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