Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This Little Light of Mine

You are not entitled to your anger. You don't have a right to be pissed off and "kick some a$$". Wars, feuds and fighting are not "manly" or "godly" and it doesn't prove a thing about you, except that you're hot headed and unable to control yourself any better than a child throwing a tantrum. It doesn't solve any problems or make anything better. No one wins. Anger and hatred are byproducts of fear. And fear is not godly either! No matter what they say, do, taunt, ridicule or abuse, we are to show only love. Why then, take up arms against your brother? We are shown this time and time again throughout history, throughout the storytelling of our ancient ones, and in THE example of Christ himself. Love and only being loving can mend our broken world. Instead of being incited into a panic driven, fear-based response, how about we step into our communities and nurture loving relationships with our fellow man/woman? Gather together with friends and neighbors, the elderly and the young, talk, laugh and cry together. Hug each other! At least shake hands and clap one another on the back. Look into each other's eyes and acknowledge the god-spark within each other! These troubled souls who lash out in anger and frustration, killing and maiming and then turning the guns on themselves do so because they have no connection. They have not felt the support, acknowledgement and love that every one of us so desperately needs. At a cellular level our very being is designed to reverberate and share energy with other beings. What we are seeing these days is a lack of connection - people who have been depleted of the life-force (love) required to feed a hungry soul. Without this energy, they are left feeling alone, desperate, empty and frantic. Drugs, alcohol, food, money and things do not fill the void, but instead give a temporary respite. Impermanent, there is a feeling of never enough. Addiction follows, and a cycle of emptiness repeats again and again. Until we, as a society, own the fact that we have failed in spiritually feeding these lost souls, we will never see an end to the senseless violence and debauchery. We need to work together to share the love! Take ownership of every interaction of your day and shine the light of love into the hearts & minds of those you meet along life's path. A smile. A kind word. A handshake. A nod. Eye contact. A friendly greeting. A sincere, "How are you?" and taking time to listen. These are small stitches we can each make that will help mend the torn fabric of our society. 
God Bless us all, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Organic Wisdom

I am an empath. On Star Trek TNG, I have always identified with Deanna Troi. 
Right now I feel all of the emotional turmoil happening in our world. There is a great shift in consciousness taking place, and it's so powerful that the forces of good and the forces of "leave well enough alone" are tugging at one another. Their pulls and pushes more intense and violent than in years past. 
    We, as humans, have been manipulated and controlled by the giant corporations and governments. Their greed and use of human psychology to influence our so-called "choices" is obscene.  In the supermarket, in entertainment, in our schools and in our hospitals/medical care settings, in our homes and in our relationships, whether you know it or not, we have been played. 
    Marketing and advertising, entertainment and programming have subliminally taught us to not think for ourselves. We are seduced by the "powers that be" because they use wording that sounds trustworthy. They only use language that supports their cause. Their propaganda omits the horrible facts and their version of "truth" is all we are allowed to see. Look at the massive increase in cancers, ADHD, inflammatory illnesses and heart disease in the past 50 years. Ever since the introduction of mass production of food, advertising and commercialized food/drink. 
    WAKE UP EVERYONE! Our earth is dying. Our food system is sickly and poisoning us. The real truth of things has become so bastardized that when we hear it now, we refuse to believe. We must stop living in the cloud of ignorance that THEY would have us remain under. Shake off the hypnotic trance of the sugar-filled, corn syrup infused, antibiotic-laden, processed-beyond-recognition, gimme-a-pill-to-fix-that world and get educated. Know where your food comes from. Know what is in your "I can't live without_____."  There is a reason you are addicted. There is a reason that you crave that boxed, artificial, hyped-as-healthy item. Wealthy people paid scientists and psychologists to formulate the combinations that would rob you of your money, health & life. We don't need "Ten for $10". We don't need "Buy one, get one free." It is not "New & Improved" or "All natural." It is an illusion that you are buying. 
    There is no shortage. You are not going to be better off for having purchased the most crap for your cupboard. Stocking up on junk will not prolong your health or give you a better quality of life. Nature, in it's purest form, is the best source of nutrition and the best doctor for all that ails you. Shop local. Shop organically. Grow your own. If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was MADE in a plant, don't. Shop wisely and take back control of your money, health & life. 
If THEY keep us addicted, they a) make money on our purchases (the food industry) b) make money on our sicknesses (the drug/medical industry) and c) make money on our "research for a cure" causes. (Charities run by the doctors & corporations & politicians who caused the mess in the first place, and who get big tax breaks when they donate to the cause.)
    At the rate we are killing our food supply, Soylent Green could be in our future. It's a vicious cycle that THEY don't want us to break.
    I'm ready to break free. Are you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Food for Thought

When I look into the eyes of another breathing, heart-beating, thinking, playing, eating, LIVING being, I see a piece of the Divine. This includes ALL the creatures of the animal world. Elephants mourn the loss of a loved one. Mama cows cry out vocally when separated from their babies. Injured dogs yelp and cry in pain. Every animal has a way of communicating with their pack or tribe. You need only observe (whether in person or an Animal Planet documentary) to witness this for yourself. Of course, you may not want to. It's so much easier to eat the flesh of a murdered animal when you don't know them as a sentient being. It was easier to justify racism/prejudices when you didn't personally know anyone anyone "like that". Speciesism is the same situation. We have become so desensitized by the ad campaigns and food additives and easy-access, "give it to me now" food industry that there is no reverence or respect for the living creatures slaughtered to make your meal. If you had to kill that cow, chicken, sheep or fish - gut it, skin it and clean the blood from your hands and home, would you then be able to eat it? Perhaps, if you HAD to do it, to survive in the world. But today, we do not have to kill to eat. We have become greedy, selfish and lazy. Dining from the dollar menu and satisfying a "craving" have become the norm. 
Food is the fuel of life. But just like cheap, inexpensively made fuels will damage a vehicle it was not designed for, so too has our food industry damaged our body's, minds and souls. We were designed to play a conscious role in our hunting & gathering. Big business foods have stolen our consciousness and we have allowed it to happen. 
A recipe that has "a box of..." or "a can of..." is convenient, yes, but not conscious. A dash through the drive thru makes it seem like we're saving time, but we are slashing hours and years from our lives. Chopping, measuring, sorting, searing, sautéing...these are actions of a responsible consumer. One who is intentionally honoring and respecting the food process & thus, LIFE. 
The next time your taste buds try bossing you around just TRY to truly "think outside the box." Make real cooking a family event. Sit down at the table together. Shut off the phones and tv and tablets and look into each other's eyes. Talk. Laugh. Sing. Reminisce and remember. Most of all, be conscious. 
Life is short...made shorter still by a food industry that doesn't give a rip about anything but the almighty dollar.  Isn't it time we WAKE UP and start living again? Take back our meal-times, our families, our health & our lives? 
Food for thought.
God Bless, Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE. ~P.Frye