There is a sacred space in silence. There is a difference between hearing and listening. We go through our days hearing each other, but do we really listen? Listening involves more than just the ears. More than just the auditory. When we silence the Ego (the natural instinct to think of what our next response will be) we are then able to open our hearts and minds to truly connect with another individual. Listening involves the heart, the emotions (compassion, empathy, gratitude, love) and the soul. When we simply shut up (quiet our minds and mouths) we reverence each other and show respect for what another human is experiencing. That doesn't mean we have to agree with them. It doesn't mean that we have to change anything we are doing, saying, living or being. But to simply still our urge to fix it, mend it, give advice and have an answer and just BE; truly listen while someone else vents or cries or bemoans or gushes. Simply be with them in that sacred space of listening. Breathe in and out and send them peace and love with every exhale. And when they are finished, hold hands, hug, or simply nod an acknowledgement; your silent "Amen." to the moment passed. Today I will concentrate on listening. To others, to my own soul, and to the voice of The Divine sending guidance for my life.
God bless my dear friends, Namaste, and as always SHARE THE LOVE. <3 ~P.Frye