I was looking at my hands this morning, critiquing their shape, size, wrinkles, lines and need for a manicure. I'm sure arthritis and carpel tunnel are on the horizon and they'll only become more worn and weary as I age. But what magnificent tools! They have literally pulled me from treacherous places, pushed away dangerous situations, held tender moments, wiped away tears, folded in fervent prayer, wrung with worry, been fists of anger & fists of fight, flown plenty of peace signs and a few birds, spoken songs in sign language, cleaned up some pretty big messes, built an amazing life and helped me put into words and pictures all the crazy wonders inside my head. This morning, I am grateful for my hands. Sometimes, it's the simple things that help me focus on the greater meaning in life.
I wish you all a beautiful day. May you use your hands today to uplift yourselves and each other. Namaste, and as always, SHARE THE LOVE.